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来源:北方园艺 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-09
摘要:Greek Gardening 希腊园艺 6 The Greeks were not great sometimes planted trees to provide shade around temples and other public places but gardens were rare.The Greeks did grow flowers but usually i

Greek Gardening


6 The Greeks were not great sometimes planted trees to provide shade around temples and other public places but gardens were rare.The Greeks did grow flowers but usually in Greek travelers admired the gardens of the east, in Greece gardens were usually grown for practical Greeks grew orchards,vineyards and vegetable gardens.

6 希腊人不擅园艺。他们有时会在庙宇或其他公共场所种植树木以庇荫,但花园却少之又少。希腊人倒是会种花,但通常是在容器里栽种。虽然希腊的旅行者倾慕东方的花园,但在希腊,造园通常出于实用目的。希腊人会修建果园、葡萄园和菜园。

Roman Gardening


7 When they conquered Egypt in 30 BC, the Romans introduced eastern ideas about Romans created gardens next to their palaces and the art of topiary3topiary(尤指将灌木修剪成动物、鸟类形状的)树木造型艺术,绿雕塑术。.Romangardenswere adorned with statues and sculptures and laid out with hedges and contained a wide variety of flowers including acanthus, cyclamen, hyacinth and Romans built houses around a courtyard which usually contained a colonnaded4colonnaded 有列柱的。porch, a pool, and a fountain as well as beds of flowers.

7 公元前30年,罗马人攻占埃及,引入了东方的园艺理念。罗马富人在他们的府邸、别墅旁边修建起一座座花园。罗马人是林木造型艺术大师。罗马的花园以雕像、雕塑作为装饰,以树篱和藤蔓布置花园景观,里面会种上各种各样的花卉,包括茛苕、仙客来、风信子和鸢尾花。罗马富人围绕着庭院建造房屋,庭院里通常会有一条柱廊、一处水池、一口喷泉,以及多个花圃。

Gardening in the Middle Ages


8 After the fall of Rome, gardening declined in Western the church still made some gardens for growing herbs (e.g.for medicines) and some flowers were grown to decorate church altars.

8 罗马帝国灭亡后,园艺在西欧日渐没落。然而教堂仍会建造一些花园,用以种植香草(如药草)和一些装饰教堂圣坛的花卉。

Islamic Gardening


9 In the 7th century the Arabs created a huge they conquered Persia they took over many Persian ideas about gardens were surrounded by walls and very often they were divided into 4 by the center was a pool or gardens also contained rills and fountains, and were decorated with mosaics and glazed of plane or cypress were planted for shade.

9 7世纪,阿拉伯人建立起一个庞大帝国。他们征服波斯时,承袭了波斯人在园艺方面的很多理念。伊斯兰的花园四周环绕着围墙,通常由水道分成4 个区域,中心是一个水池或一座亭子;花园里还有小溪和喷泉,并装饰有马赛克和釉面瓷砖,园中栽着成排的悬铃木或柏树,可以遮阴。

10 In the early 8th century the Arabs conquered Moors as they were called, grew ash, laurel, hazel, walnut,poplar, willow, and elm.They also grew a wide variety of folwers including roses,hollyhocks, narcissus and wallflowers.

10 8世纪初,阿拉伯人征服了西班牙。这群被称为摩尔人的征服者会种植梣树、月桂、榛树、核桃树、杨树、柳树和榆树,还有各色花卉,包括玫瑰、蜀葵、水仙和桂竹香。

Gardening in Medieval Europe


11 Gradually order was restored in Europe and by the late 13th century the rich began to grow gardens for gardens were walled both to protect them from wild animals and to provide the 14th and 15th centuries, gardens were planted with lawns sprinkled with fragrant had raised flowerbeds and trellises5trellis(植物生长攀爬的)棚,架。of roses or vines.

11 随着欧洲秩序的逐渐恢复,到13世纪后期,富人们开始种植花园供消遣。花园的四周立起了围墙,既可以抵御野兽,又可以阻挡外界的尘嚣。14、15世纪,花园里铺起了草坪,草坪上零星点缀着香草,此外还有花坛和爬满玫瑰或藤蔓的花架。

16th and 17th Century Gardening

16 及17世纪园艺

12 In the 16th and 17th century, symmetry, proportion and balance became often gardens were laid out with a central axis leading down from the house with a number of cross axes forming a grid were often laid out in squares, separated by gravel paths.

12 16、17世纪,对称性、比例和平衡变得很重要。花园通常会从房屋延伸出一条中轴线,一路下来多条横轴与之交错,形成网格图案。花坛通常被砾石铺就的小径分隔成一个个方格。

13 16th century gardens were adorned with sculptures, fountains and they contained water jokes (unsuspecting visitors were sprayed with jets of water).Water organs played music or imitated bird also often contained grottoes (cave-like buildings),and intricate patterns like knots were made by planting lines of box6黄杨(常绿灌木,尤用作花园树篱)。and herbs like mazes became very popular in Europe.

文章来源:《北方园艺》 网址: http://www.bfyybjb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0509/1175.html


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