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来源:北方园艺 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-09
摘要:13 16世纪的花园会用雕塑、喷泉和园艺灌木进行装饰,里面常设有喷水机关(毫无防备的访客会被水滋到),水风琴会弹奏音乐或模仿动听的鸟鸣,花园里

13 16世纪的花园会用雕塑、喷泉和园艺灌木进行装饰,里面常设有喷水机关(毫无防备的访客会被水滋到),水风琴会弹奏音乐或模仿动听的鸟鸣,花园里还常会有洞室(洞穴般的建筑)。种下一排排黄杨和薰衣草等香草,形成如绳结一般的复杂图案。树篱迷宫当时在欧洲非常流行。

18th Century Gardening


14 In the early 18th century many people preferred a more ‘natural’ often contained shrubberies,grottoes, pavilions, bridges, and follies7folly(常见于旧时乡间豪宅花园中的)装饰性建筑。.In the North American colonies, life was, at first, rough but by the end of the 17th century, the wealthy began to create pleasure the Americans preferred more formal gardens.

14 18世纪初期,很多人偏好更加“自然”的园艺风格。花园中往往有灌木、岩室、亭子、桥梁和装饰性建筑。在北美殖民地,最初的日子很艰苦,但到了17世纪末,富人们也开始建造起用于游乐的花园。不过美国人偏好更规整的花园。

19th Century Gardening


15 In 1804 the Horticultural Society was formed.

15 1804年,园艺协会成立。

16 In 1829 Dr Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward accidentally discovered that if plants were kept sealed under glass they formed their own sealed micro-climates made it much easier to transport plants around the world.

16 1829年,纳撒尼尔·巴格肖·沃德医生意外地发现,如果植物用玻璃罩住密封保存,它们会形成自己的微气候。创造密封的微气候环境使得植物在全球的运输容易了许多。

17 In the 19th century, gardeners began to build large greenhouses or conservatories8conservatory 温室。to provide plants with both heat and largest was Crystal Palace, which was built in 1851 by Joseph Paxton (1806–1865).

17 19世纪,园艺师们开始建造大型温室或称玻璃暖房,为植物提供热和光。最大的温室要数水晶宫,它于1851年由约瑟夫·帕克斯顿(1806—1865)建造。

18 Gardens attached to suburban villas became new style of garden evolved called gardenesque9gardenesque 一种花园设计风格,由约翰·克劳迪亚斯·劳登于1832年提出,遵循“识别原则”(principle of recognition)。, which displayed a wide variety of plants in a limited space.

18 与郊区别墅相连的花园日益受到重视,发展出了一种被称为“花园式”的新园林设计风格,这一风格旨在将各色各样的植物在有限的空间里展示出来。

19 Towns and cities boomed in were herded together in cramped and unsanitary houses, but in the later half of the 19th century local authorities began creating public parks for them.

19 城镇和城市的规模激增。工人们挤住在狭小而不卫生的房子里,但到了19世纪下半叶,地方当局开始为这个群体建造公园。

20th Century Gardening


20 At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, some gardeners were influenced by the arts and crafts had an idealized view of old-fashioned cottage gardens and designed gardens with trellises of flowers, neat hedges and oldfashioned English flowers.

20 19世纪末20世纪初,一些园艺师受到了工艺美术运动的影响。他们对旧式的村舍花园有种理想化的看法,会用花架、修剪整齐的树篱和老派的英国花卉来设计花园。

21 There was a new movement in architecture and gardening called modernists rejected copying old styles of gardening and advocated starting afresh using modern liked gardens to be ‘uncluttered’.

21 后来建筑和园艺领域又出现了一场新的运动,叫作现代主义。现代主义者拒绝复制旧的园艺风格,主张用现代材料另起炉灶。现代主义者喜欢“简洁”风格的花园。

22 In 1926 a German engineer called Andreas Stihl developed the chain saw,and in 1963 the first hover mower went on sale.

22 1926年,一位叫安德烈亚斯·斯蒂尔的德国工程师研制出链锯,1963年,第一款悬浮式割草机上市销售。

23 In the 20th century, as incomes rose gardening became a popular the Garden History Society was founded in 1965 and the Museum of Garden History opened in London in 1977.■

23 20世纪,随着收入的增加,园艺成为一种大众爱好。与此同时,园艺历史协会于1965年成立,园艺历史博物馆于1977年在伦敦开放。 □


文章来源:《北方园艺》 网址: http://www.bfyybjb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0509/1175.html


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